
Improvement of Professional Practice

Introduction to Professional Practice

Professional practice is referred to be a fundamental concern for a scholar who is intending to adopt the practical environment of learning as a way of extending both personal and professional skills and abilities. This will in turn not only result in the enhancement of an individual's professional competencies but will also result in developing their personalattributes to a great extent (Hough, 2016). The present report has discoursed upon a similar consideration of professional practices that are required to be developed on continual basis. It is in correspondence to the undertaken profession of the individual on whose basis, further determinants will be measured to take some pivotal decisions for a foremost agenda of development. In the present report, I have reflected the role of a community worker whose experiences has been discoursed on the basis of the participation made my me in several workshops that are being attended my me.

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Outlining and discussing upon two workshops that I have participated in over the past 12 months and how these have contributed to the improvement of your practice knowledge and skills

A foremost workshop was conducted by the Australian Community Workers Association (ACWA) and was based on the concept of working with high conflicting couples. It basically represented to be a CPD program which was supported by ACWA and was taken up by The Professional Development People (WORKING WITH HIGH CONFLICT COUPLES, 2012). They duly taught about some practical ways in which one can refer to manage the raising number of conflict in relationships by duly getting engaged into the learned practices. It is where working in couple is indeed a confronting task with some leading number of challenges that are often new for the expert healers as well.

It is specially at the time an extremely contradictory couple enters into the room. I am however referred to be a less experienced professional without a full fledged cognition of such typical cases. This in turn is apparent to raise our anxiety level where we are only willing to know the management of the overall session with them with no disruptive escalation among them where the entire situation goes out of control. In such type of cases, the security of all involved participants in this session is required to be considered for a competent administration of the arranged session.

It was basically a single day course for the participants where we were taught about the ways in which we can tend to get involved with the couple by managing the anxiety of ours as well as the couple. This was on the basis of yet another fundamental concern where the management of any escalating situation of conflict among the couple in the therapy room or outside the room can be duly administrated in an effective way. As a result to which, this workshop was conducted with a major emphasis on a systematic procedure of learning that included circular questioning with some principal thoughts from Solution Centric Therapy to provision a structured policy.

However, I am having deficit skills of communication and thus need to improve it to a dignified level by which I can make a confident interaction with people and ask questions to get a more clear understanding of the sessions that are being conducted in the workshop. But the coercion of interacting with the professional bodies taking sessions necessitated me to interact with them and communicate to clarify my doubts (Knott and Scragg, 2016). This way I was forced to present myself in a better way with defined skills of communication and I thereby took the assistance of some well known strategies for the improvement of my existing ability of communication. Also, the workshop depicted a practical course where we as the participant bodies were given clear ideas about it along with some procedural steps that assisted me to perceive the way in which a session with highly conflicting couple can become more productive and facilitative. Also a class discussion was carried out where I worked in a group with several other members and made a vital use of various supporting materials like DVDs and case studies, etc.

This session has together helped us in several other ways where I interpreted the importance of general ideas to differentiae among the concept of interpersonal and intra-psychic work. Likewise, I also got to know the way we therapists can administrate the first two sessions in case the couple has explosively presented themselves for being into the state of crisis. Also after this session, I am now able to express myself in a more affirmative way with an elementary perspective about circular questioning. Beside this, I believe to acquire a more confident outlook for getting engaged with a conflicting couple to continue with a more balanced session with them. Apart from this, I am now having a more manageable response towards any such situation of crisis for potently handling my anxiety level with triggering responds.

However, the present investigation in the neurobiology of affection is referred to posses some leading suggestions for treating the state of trauma where its prospective benefits are not referred to be operational in medical practices. This in turn has resulted in the creation of confusion to differentiate among the two generic terms of trauma namely single and complex incident. Also, this training session duly addressed the post consequences after accrediting and reacting to the complex state of trauma in context to the carried investigation and its implicated findings for the treatment of clients (RECOGNISING AND WORKING WITH COMPLEX TRAUMA, 2012). This in turn enlightened me about such medical practices that are highly perceptive from the carried investigations and can be effectively used for approaching the phases of complex trauma. Wherein, this tactic in turn acknowledged a prompt need of getting involved in both physical, emotional and cognitive procedures that in turn indicates some leading number of challenges towards a standardised perspective. However, these are grouped under privileged talks and thereby indicates a foremost requisition of considering it again. On whose basis, this entire session has discoursed upon the core features of an effective medical care for treatment of the complex natured trauma.
After the completion of this workshop, I felt some considerable improvements in my existent competency where I am now more efficient in recognising the chances of complex trauma in the presentations of different clients approaching for treatment. Also, recognising the difference among single and complex incident of trauma with different implications of treatment for both are more identifiable by me. I have together interpreted the essential constituents that are needed for provisioning an effective therapy for the clients approaching for the treatment of complex trauma. Wherein, I can together measure the range of both these clinical measures and address any requisite alteration in the existent mode of working. Beside this, I can together map the link among the key rules for provisioning an effective therapy for treating complex trauma with that to their medical applications.

This workshop has also provided me an insightful ability for the recognition of unspoken realm by together addressing the ways through which an unjointed experience can be measures via three fundamental terms namely evoke, embody and enact. Herein, I also interpreted the explanation of the aforesaid phases in context to the proposed measures to treat the incident of complex trauma by together collecting the a foundational circumstance to adjust the components of phase 1 that are security and stabilization. I also learned the way in which a raised level of sensitivity can be adjusted to the non verbal clues under the developing steps of a therapeutical relationship.

It is therefore after discussing upon both the workshops attended by me with distinct goals of each, it can be said that both of these study courses have resulted in the enhancement of my knowledge where in my counselling profession, empathy is always referred to be a greatest prospect (Moon, 2013). For whose attainment, getting proficient in social, listening and communication skills is always considered to be a foremost requirement. Though, I believe to possess considerable skills of listening, but both of these workshops have greatly assisted me to achieve good communication and interpersonal skills by together rising my social skills to be more interactive with people of different nature and thoughts.

Identifying and discussing upon two community service organisations that are relevant to my professional development interests, explaining why networking with these services would assist in individual professional practice interests and needs

This is to discourse upon the first identified community service organisation named Anglicare which is basically a non profit organisation that mainly operates for Tasmania and serves two leading groups of senior citizens and disables. Beside this, they are also active in various other community based services to serve the destitute people of Tasmania (AnglicareTAS, 2016). Also, they are a part of other such domestic network of organisations in Australia where Anglicare is known to advocate social justice to assist people who are vulnerable in certain situation. For which, they hereby intend to provision some effectual plans for the well being of those individuals to accommodate them and their respective family members by together protecting them from any assailable situation. They are operating with several branch offices and conducting group activities all over Tasmania in riskless spaces for assemblage.

Also, they are provisioning essential assistance to several Tasmanian people since many years by facilitating them in a consistent manner. This is basically in order to monitor the present needs of the individuals in requirement of their services by together ascertaining their future needs. Anglicare is thereby referred to perform a honourable work where it is already composed of several proficient volunteers who are passionately doing their tasks. Also, Anglicare is highly supported by charities. It is therefore on networking with this agency, I can together refer to provide my therapies to the necessitous people who are being served by Anglicare. This will not only result in the improvisation of my professional skills, but will also provide me a platform to show my expertise.

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This is on discoursing upon yet another identified community service organisation named St Vincent de Paul Society that is having significant records of supporting the migrant people by together helping the refugees. It is where the help seekers are hereby placed under Catholic teaching process with a special consideration of supporting those who are searching for a safe shelter and have fled from war or any sort of maltreatment, partiality and intolerance, etc., (Vinnies work with asylum seekers and refugees, 2017). A broad range of services that are being offered as support services to the migrants and refugees by St Vincent de Paul Society is popularly known as Refugee Support Service (RSS). As a result to which, RSS is stated to be a separate division of St Vincent de Paul Society where it operates with the refugees and the one who are seeking for asylums and are dealing with some sort of fiscal adversity or social alienation.

It is with a prime focus on those who are affected by any sort of mental or physical anguish and are either separated from their families to live in the state of detainment and experiencing any sort of income related issues or challenges in relocating, etc. It is therefore on networking with this community service organisation, I am apparent to get yet another potential platform to provide my professional assistance to this setting. Wherein, they are already known to help the individuals who are greatly stressed due to various distressful reasons. This in turn demands the creation of a peaceful environment for them to get a mental repose that can be provisioned by me through requisite therapeutic treatment. Apart from this, I am also known to represent a community worker with a prime objective of serving the needy people in an effective manner and which can be fulfilled by networking with both above identified organisational bodies.

Subscribing to e-news newsletter of significant Peak Bodies to identify at least two key developments in the sector and discuss how these will impact on my practice
It is on highlighting the developments of a foremost organisational body named Tascoss which is famously known for its integrity, compassion and influence where it is presently going through various developmental concerns (TasCOSS, 2017). This is firstly to help the clients in managing the energy costs by secondly provisioning a healthy balance to change the state of injustice. For which, they are intending to arrange varied campaigns which is evident to make a positive impact on my own undertaken professional practice of therapist. It is where they can assist me in creating an industrial relationship with them to further serve the society as a community member.

Another peak body is the youth network of Tasmania who believes in imagining, initiating and inspiring by conducting events all across the state with a major concern of encouraging the youths to have a brighter future ahead (National Youth Week 2017, 2017). They are together known to arrange workshops, exhibitions and festivals, etc., for the youths where they can refer to share their own set of ideas by together displaying their challenge. They are hereby at a developmental agenda to brighten the future of the youngsters in Tasmania by together destructing the challenges that they may face in the future. It is therefore on subscribing with them, I can also refer to join their organised events as a way of benefiting myself with their suggested measures and apply the same to brighten my own future.

Lastly, on subscribing to yet another peak organisational body named Hobart women shelter, I can refer to their posted vacancies where they are mostly demanding for a volunteer worker to support the community in a professional manner (Hobart women's shelter, 2016). This can in turn assist me in showing my expertise skills and abilities to work as a community worker and serve their purpose of benefiting the society through some effectual ways. Wherein, they are known to serve the women and children facing any mental or physical trauma and are in need of healing treatment that I can duly refer to provide them.


The above report has reflected my professional practice where I represented a therapist and discoursed some vital experiences of mine in three distinct sections. The foremost part has revealed my experience in two workshops that are being attended my me to further disclose their contribution in my existent skills and knowledge. Another unit of this report has reflected upon the benefits of networking with two community service organisations by lastly demonstrating about the subscribed e-news newsletter of substantial peak bodies. It was done to detect any of their two evolutions or any problematic concerns and its impact on my practice.


Books and Journal
Hough, S., 2016. Standards that reflect the growth of a professional discipline into a community of integrated healthcare. The journal of spinal cord medicine. 39(2). pp.126.
Knott, C. and Scragg, T. eds., 2016. Reflective practice in social work. Learning Matters.
Moon, J.A., 2013. Reflection in learning and professional development: Theory and practice. Routledge.
AnglicareTAS. 2016. [Online]. Available Through: <>. [Accessed on 1st June 2017].
Hobart women's shelter. 2016. [Online]. Available Through: <>. [Accessed on 1st June 2017].
National Youth Week 2017. 2017. [Online]. Available Through: <>. [Accessed on 1st June 2017].
RECOGNISING AND WORKING WITH COMPLEX TRAUMA. 2012. [Online]. Available Through: <>. [Accessed on 1st June 2017].
TasCOSS. 2017. [Online]. Available Through: <>. [Accessed on 1st June 2017].
Vinnies work with asylum seekers and refugees. 2017. [Online]. Available Through: <>. [Accessed on 1st June 2017].
WORKING WITH HIGH CONFLICT COUPLES. 2012. [Online]. Available Through: <>. [Accessed on 1st June 2017].

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